Within the framework of the International Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery AGROSALON, the youth forum "Day of Youth - AGROGENERATION" is traditionally held.

The project is designed to interest and attract young professionals that the industry needs so much!

The forum gathers more than 3000 delegates from all regions of Russia - students of agricultural universities and young scientists of the industry, who receive new knowledge and get acquainted with the latest achievements of the agricultural machinery industry!

студенты на АГРОСАЛОН

The program of the Youth Day is developed taking into account the interests of students and young scientists of the agricultural sector, thanks to which visiting the exhibition becomes bright, useful and informative))

Young specialists will be able to communicate directly with manufacturers of agricultural machinery, ask their questions and take a step towards work in the company of their dreams!

Together we can create a bright and memorable event that will leave a mark in the history of our forum “Youth Day-AGROGENERATION”!

день молодежи

The Organizer reserves the right to suspend the acceptance of applications for organizing a group trip at any time at its discretion.